Navigating the Nation's Most Complex Housing Challenges

...That's Short For Housing Experts.

We are the nation's leading full-service environmental, engineering, and energy due diligence firm.

We innovate solutions to our nation's largest challenges with affordable housing.

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Capital Needs Assessments

Whether you are refinancing with HUD, applying for tax credits, acquiring a housing portfolio or just want to financially prepare for your property’s current and future needs – D3G is ready to help. 

Architectural & Cost Reviews

Experience when it matters most.  We will keep your AEC review on track so that your construction project isn’t delayed.

Environmental Site Assessments

Providing the full spectrum of environmental due diligence reporting.  From landfills to flood plains, we have experts on staff ready to help you find the solution to your environmental concern.  

Energy & Sustainability

We continue to lead the industry in green building certifications, modeling and compliance scoring.  Let us help you save energy and money on your next project.  


Who Is

D3G For?


With over 25 years of experience, our firm has guided thousands of Lenders, Borrowers, General Contractors, Design Professionals, and Equity Partners through the due diligence process. Let us lead the way through your next HUD, FHA, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac or RAD, real estate financing project. 

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D3G has extensive experience navigating real estate transactions and providing the due diligence services that you need to keep your closing on schedule.  We’re with you every step of the way, from concept to closing, providing clear communication and counsel when you need it. With nationwide experience and thoroughly trained staff, count on D3G to help you navigate your next deal. 

Over 15k Capital Needs Assessments Completed

Over 16k Environmental Assessments Completed

Over 200k RAD Units Assessed


Thrilled Clients, Thriving Partnerships: Our Testimonials


Let's Grow

D3G is a nationally recognized company committed to upholding a positive work culture while meeting the needs of multifamily housing. We seek innovative and ambitious people who wish to evolve alongside us, embracing our goal of navigating pathways to available, affordable, and resilient housing. Whether you’re an experienced housing professional or new to the industry, we want you to join us!


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On August 16, 2022, President Biden enacted landmark legislation known as the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA). The IRA earmarks a substantial $369 billion towards incentivizing the adoption of clean energy technologies, specifically targeting the affordable housing sector. The objective is to mitigate the carbon footprint and alleviate energy burdens within these communities.
Stephen Evanko has been named a Home Innovation NGBS Green Partner of Excellence for 2023. NGBS Green, which is based on the ICC-700 National Green Building Standard® (NGBS), has certified more homes than any other national green home certification program. Having now surpassed 500,000 NGBS Green Certified homes, the program is grateful for the momentum that our dedicated verifier partners have seeded and continue to nurture through their expert guidance to their clients.